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The mission of the Judicial Engagement Network (JEN) is to identify, engage, encourage, and support Judges nationally who will lead the effort to improve court responses to domestic and teen dating violence, sexual assault, and stalking.

Information Technology (IT) systems help members of a community collaborative system store, access and analyze data. They can also be integrated with existing case management systems.

Technology as an Alternative to Civil Fines

Hosted in partnership with the Price of Justice initiative, this webinar showcases the Center for Court Innovation’s Civil Alternatives project and a new e-learning module that was developed and launched in New York City as part of the 2017 Criminal Justice Reform Act. This law created the opportunity for individuals to resolve their low-level summonses by completing community service instead of paying a fine. This is done through the e-learning module; an hour of experiential learning.

Utilizing Technology for Remote Hearings During the Pandemic

This interactive webinar will assist courts in understanding the use of Zoom for conducting remote hearings from a judicial perspective. Judicial presenters will offer insight on considerations from the bench and the changes that were implemented to adapt in-person hearings to a virtual environment. Presenters will offer their own personal perspectives from both a level of comfort with technology and one of apprehension. Participants will learn how forms and processes have changed to accommodate remote hearings and how stakeholders participated in the development of these changes.

Where It All Began

The Judicial Engagement Network (JEN) began as an identified need to engage the judiciary in communities to strive for judicial excellence. Because courts hold a unique position in protecting social values, it places judges in an important position to lead changes in their own courts and communities. Through JEN, judges and judicial officers will be able to connect within a network of judges to promote best judicial practices, trends, and successful outcomes that are based on principle and better outcomes for families.  Judges will be able to, in a network of their peers, craft and hone leadership skills to effect change in their communities, share practices, and pass knowledge to the next generation of judges.

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